China Free Improvisation
By Josh, 2011年 10月 14日
Check out China Free Improvisation, a new site just launched by experimental guitarist Li Jianhong and laptop musician Vavabond:
The couple have been veterans of China’s experimental scene since the early 2000s, when Jianhong curated the 2pi label and annual music festival from their original base of Hangzhou. After moving to Beijing this year, they’ve launched CFI as “an organization and platform for China’s free improvisational music.” Their currently barebones website indicates that they plan to publish articles and organize events highlighting some of Beijing (and greater China)’s premiere improv artists, including Feng Hao, Subjam’s Yan Jun, and NOJIJI’s Li Yangyang.
这个平台展示的是华人世界的即兴音乐家、即兴团体,包括活动在港台澳地区和海外地区的音乐家和团体,以及部分在大陆地区活跃的外籍即兴音乐家。C.F.I 希望能尽量完整地展现华人世界的即兴音乐场景。
They’re also operating as a label. At the moment there are three Li Jianhong cds available, which can be purchased in hard copy here or digitally on the CFI bandcamp page. They are embedded for free streaming below. Keep an eye on this project, I expect it will yield very interesting results..