Organic Farmer’s Market @ Little Donkey Farm, 4 October 2010

By , 2010年 10月 2日

[+] 豆瓣页面 douban event page

Come out to Little Donkey Farm on Monday, 4 October to learn more about agricultural practices in Beijing, buy some pesticide-free produce and enjoy farm-fresh food while the autumn harvest is in full swing! The activities span from 10am to 4pm. The cost is 10元, with lunch available for an additional 20元. All of the money will be used to fund public promotion of ecological agriculture.

Event details, directions and a map below.



There will be a small opening ceremony in the Little Donkey Farm kitchen, including an introduction to the farm and the 2010-2011 season of membership to the CSA. From 10:30-11:30 you can learn about harvesting corn and peanuts and attend a free tasting of sweet potato, peanuts, and pumpkins from the autumn harvest.

From 2:00-3:30 pm there will be a discussion of the ecological issues facing Little Donkey Farm and other Beijing CSA’s. There will also be ongoing seminars in the threshing and harvesting process, as well as a small DIY wood crafts studio open to the public.

How to get there:

Little Donkey Farm is located near Houshajian, NW 6th ring road. To get there take subway line 4 to Beigongmen (2nd to last stop on the west end of the line), get out of exit A, then take bus 330 all the way out to its last stop in Houshajian (it’s about an hour ride). From there you can take a 10元 cab to Dahousha Stream (达后沙涧), where you’ll find the farm.

乘坐公交: 任何交通工具到达地铁 4 号线北宫门站, A 出口乘坐 330 路公交,到达终点站后沙涧;或者从其他位置乘坐公交到西北旺转 330 路或 642 公交到后沙涧,到达后沙涧乘坐出租车( 10 元)到达农场。

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