采访:系统误差 System Error Interview

By , 2012年 12月 21日

read English interview




旁边儿: 首先,介绍一下你自己吧,策划组织演出有多长时间? 你开始做系统误差系列演出有一年之久了。你当时的初衷是什么?

XBH: 我家在杭州,现在还在上学,10年9月来的西安,是系统误差发起人,Colourful Z-braBias乐队成员。一直喜欢燥眠夜那些音乐人,尤其是这个演出形式,非常羡慕北京有机会能表演实验音乐。所以一来西安我就想做一个类似燥眠夜的东西,可是刚来西安人生地不熟,一个人想做系统误差心有余力不足。组起Colourful Z-bra演出半年多时间,慢慢结交到相同口味的朋友(丰帆,大招),而且认识了场地主办方(光圈Club)。大招11年10月份跟我说想做一个实验音乐演出,我说我早就想弄了,一拍即合,我俩就成立了系统误差,在11年12月28号办了系统误差第一场,从那开始策划组织系统误差演出。要说当时初衷其实特别简单,三点:自己想表演,提供舞台给有想法的音乐人,认识新朋友。

大招: 我叫大招,独立电子音乐人,DJ,合成器摇滚乐队TBOR成员,系统误差创始人之一。一直是演出,很少组织演出。传统演出太多了,做系统误差,是因为希望通过一个像燥眠夜平台结识到更多志同道合的朋友,一起做音乐,总是一个人面对电脑,太没劲了。

丰帆: 我是一个电子工程师,策划演出正好一年。

旁边儿: 如果说系统误差有一个目标的话,那这个目标是什么?你一般策划什么类型的演出,演出一般都是什么类型的音乐?

XBH: 真没想到系统误差发展的顺利的让人意外,原来的目标就是这个演出系列能存活下去就好,起初一直担心没有人来演。现在当下的目标是希望西安系统误差能成为中国实验音乐的一个地标吧,像北京燥眠夜和密集音乐会等,上海的闹上海RESO等,说起中国的实验音乐能让大家想到西安系统误差。系统误差的演出基本都是实验音乐,包括即兴、噪音、声音艺术、实验电子、实验民谣。

大招: 目标是做到一百场,但是这也只不过是一个数字,还是希望做一个有别于传统形式的演出,能发掘出西安本土更多的新人新声音,并且让他们有一个可以施展拳脚的地方。主要也为方便大伙交流和学习。但是到目前为止,效果并不明显。

丰帆: 目标和刚开始一样,存活下去,在西安做这件事儿真的很难。类型不限。

旁边儿: 迄今为止策划了多少场系统误差演出?过去的一年,有哪些演出是你比较难忘的?

XBH: 系统误差第一年内总共办了12场,外加一个由我们策划导演的张冠李戴音乐节乐噪音舞台。丰帆基本负责有外地音乐人参与的演出,我主要负责本地音乐人的演出。对于我来说我最难忘的是第一场,第五场和张冠李戴音乐节。第一场来的人最多,大家都来看个热闹瞧一瞧这是搞得什么新鲜玩意,后来来的人就都不多了。第一场我和大招都特别激动,都觉得干了个前无古人开天辟地的大事。第五场是内桥和久和冯昊,那天观众不多而且门票没有收全,台下有些玩骰子讲话的人,内桥大怒,教训了我们一顿,我们后来管理上也有所进步。张冠李戴音乐节对我们来说绝对是个惊喜,我们谁都没想到能做出一个噪音舞台,可是后来我们确实做出来了,效果也基本让人满意。当时正好小雷音一行人和颜峻与陈皓伊与菲尔•明顿二重奏要来西安,时间正好和张冠李戴音乐节那两天撞了,我们想要是单独在酒吧做这两场演出来看的人肯定很受音乐节影响,因为西安就这么个小地方就这么点观众。不如就跟张冠李戴谈一谈,看能不能弄个噪音舞台。然后我们又特地邀请了李剑鸿,把艺人名单报给张冠李戴,他们竟然同意了,把我们高兴坏了。

大招: 最难忘的应该还是第六场,电子的大Jam。我是做电子的嘛。

丰帆: 第二场,河端一,我与他度过了亲密而美妙的三天。

旁边儿: 能给我们介绍几个活跃在系统误差内部的音乐人吗,他们的音乐都受过什么样的影响,他们做音乐的想法等等。

: CZ主唱,吉他方向的噪音与即兴,肯定还是受那些噪音摇滚乐队影响颇深,他喜欢在现场对于声音不断的控制得到那些精彩并且不可复制的瞬间。

大招: 实验电子,西安全能音乐人,电子界摇滚圈黑趴界实验圈红人,他太忙了,都顾不来系统误差了,哈哈。他做音乐的想法就是:电脑!

: 实验民谣,受小河,树的影响挺大,把loop用的挺不错,嗓音特别好。有看过他演出的人感到惊喜,一把吉他,loop机和人声效果,绝对是艺术家!

: 后朋迷幻,12年下半年去上海工作了,感觉他现在混得挺可以,乐队玩的可以,跟上海那帮人也都挺熟了,他过几天会以独奏方式参演闹上海组织的“给死亡带来新生”活动。

旁边儿: 你觉得,西安能为中国独立音乐做什么?面对来自中国其他城市或国外的乐队,你怎样说服他们来西安?

XBH: 其实真做不了什么,西安跟北京上海差距还是挺大的,尤其是观众数量质量,喜好的音乐还是太主流,现在西安演出倒是很多但是票房确实不算景气。但是系统误差会坚持,我们最不怕的就是观众少了,而且只要我们坚持,这种音乐就有机会来西安,让更多人听到。国外乐队倒是愿意来西安的,因为文化吧。国内乐队呢,我们一定热情的带你们吃好玩儿好,美食在等待你!

大招: 我觉得什么也做不了,这个问题太大了,演出是越来越多,乐迷也是越来越挑剔,尤其是这些偏门小众的音乐受到的关注还是太少,面儿太小,改变不了什么大环境或者对于推动整个市场来说,力量都太小了。

丰帆: 现状是如果外地(国)乐队不愿意来西安,我们无能为力,因为我们不能保证有足够的观众(票房)。

旁边儿: 接下来的一年,系统误差有什么新的打算吗?

XBH: 争取能再跟张冠李戴合作吧,将乐噪音舞台持续下去。然后这一年争取加大演出数量,第一年基本都是一个月一场,第二年争取做二十场。再多做一些有新意非常规的演出,希望越来越多新朋友加入我们走上舞台。我们还打算明年去北京一次,可能也会有别的城市,与更多乐手交流。

大招: 我还是希望能看到更多跟电子有关的演出,各个方向的都可以,无论软硬件,但是那些设备复杂的合成器乐队出门还是太困难,整面墙的模块怎么去外地。国外的大牌更是,从来都是北京上海,来西安是没什么戏了,票房又保障不了,自己掏腰包请他们来对我们负担太大,系统误差到现在都还不是一个盈利性质的团体,所以有可能的话,还是组织我们的人出去见见市面,走走比较大的城市,去趟铁岭!哈哈

丰帆: 做之前没做过的事儿。


Back in January, when we were putting together Kawabata Makoto‘s Beijing shows, I got a weibo chat from a guy called “little battery” asking if he could put together a Xi’an gig for the visiting legend. I didn’t know it at the time, but this was the start of a brand new force in Xi’an: System Error. Started last December by a group of three friends united in their quest to build up a local experimental music scene, System Error has been a beacon of light in an otherwise pretty dead area of the mainland. Though progress has been slow and Xi’an still has a long way to go to become a landmark on the Chinese experimental music map, this small but fiercely motivated group is determined to make something happen. Pangbianr got the story of their first year in action and their plans for the future:

pangbianr: First introduce yourselves. How long have you been organizing shows? You started the System Error series one year ago. How did you get the idea to start this?

XBH: I’m originally from Hangzhou. I came to Xi’an in September 2010 for school. I’m the founder of System Error. I’m also a member of the bands Colourful Z-bra and Bias. I’ve always been a big fan of the Zoomin’ Night musicians, especially the format of their performances. I really admire that they have the opportunity to play experimental music in Beijing. So, it’s always been stuck in my mind to start something similar to Zoomin’ Night in Xi’an, but when I first arrived here I was a stranger and a rookie. I immediately wanted to start System Error but I didn’t have the power or connections.

About six months after I started Colourful Z-bra, I met a lot of people like me, like Feng Fan and Da Zhao, and I got to know the Aperture Club. Da Zhao mentioned to me in October 2011 that he wanted to organize an experimental music show. I was psyched, because this was exactly what I wanted to do. We immediately started System Error. We did the first show on December 28th, 2011. At that time, we already planned to make System Error an event series. The original goal was really simple, 3 points: I want to play myself, I want to provide a stage to talented musicians, and I want to make new friends.

Da Zhao: My name is Da Zhao, indie-electronic musician, member of synth rock band TBOR, co-founder of System Error. I’ve always been playing shows, but rarely organized anything before System Error. After seeing too many boring, traditional shows, I wanted to start System Error to build a platform like Zoomin’ Night. I wanted to make new friends with similar tastes, to share the stage and make music together. That’s way better than just staring at a computer by myself. I can’t stand that boredom.

Feng Fan: I’m an electrical engineer. I’ve been organizing shows for about one year.

pbr: What is the goal of System Error? What kind of music or what kind of shows do you organize?

XBH: I didn’t realize how fast System Error would develop, it really surprised me a lot. The original goal was just to keep it going. I was really worried that nobody would come to play. Now, the most important goal is to make System Error a landmark of Chinese experimental music, like Beijing’s Zoomin’ Night and MIJI concerts, Shanghai’s NOIShanghai and RESO, etc. I hope that one day, when people speak of Chinese experimental music, they think about System Error in Xi’an. All the styles we play here are more like experimental music, including improvisation, noise, sound art, experimental electronic music and experimental folk music.

DZ: The goal is to have 100 shows, but it’s not just a number. We want to make it different from the traditional shows, to dig more new faces and sounds from the local Xi’an scene, and to let them have a stage to express themselves. We also want to provide a place for everybody to communicate and study. But so far, the effect is not as clear as I thought it would be.

FF: Same goal as the beginning: stay alive. It’s hard to do this kind of thing in Xi’an, no matter what kind of music.

pbr: How many System Error shows have you organized? What are some highlights from the last year?

XBH: This first year, in total, we organized twelve gigs, plus we organized and directed the noise stage of the 2012 Zhang Guan Li Dai music festival. Feng Fan’s job is to organize shows for bands coming from other cities or countries. I’m in charge of gigs with local bands. For me, the most memorable gigs were the first and the fifth Zhang Guan Li Dai festival shows. A lot of people came to the first one. Everyone wanted to see what exactly was going on. Afterwards the audience wasn’t as big.

After the first Zhang Guan Li Dai show me and Da Zhao were very excited. We felt we did something that no one had done before and it was totally fantastic. The fifth gig of that festival was Kazuhisa Uchihashi and Feng Hao. Unfortunately there wasn’t enough audience and some people came without paying, and some people were playing dice and talking really loudly during the show. That made Kazuhisa Uchihashi really mad, and gave us a really good lesson, showed us that we need to improve our way of managing shows. But the Zhang Guan Li Dai music festival was a total surprise. None of us thought we would have an actual noise stage, but in the end we made it ourselves, and it pretty much satisfied everyone.

At the time we were organizing the festival shows, the guys from Raying Temple came to Xi’an, and so did Yan Jun, Audrey Chen and Phil Minton. They came right when we were doing the festival. We thought, if we book the shows separately, people will definitely be bothered by the conflict. So we talked to the festival side, tried to make a separate noise stage. Then we invited Li Jianhong, showed the festival organizers our performer list, and they approved it. We were thrilled!

DZ: For me the most memorable show was the sixth System Error, a big electronic music jam. Well, that’s just because I’m an electronic music guy.

FF: The second one, for me. I got kind of close with Kawabata Makoto, enjoyed a wonderful three days with him.

pbr: Can you introduce some of the musicians in the System Error scene? Names, influences, styles of music, etc…

: Vocalist of Colourful Z-bra, solo noise/improvised guitar. Highly influenced by noise rock, he likes to control the uncontrollable sound and enjoy the unique moment right after that.

Da Zhao: Experimental electronic music. Almighty musician in Xi’an, popular guy among the electronic/rock and experimental scene. He is too busy to come to System Error, haha. His idea of music is: computer!

Yang Zhong Guo
: Experimental folk musician. Highly influenced by Xiao He and The Tree. He is really good at building loops, and he has a really good voice. People are surprised when they see his performance. One guitar, one loop machine and a vocal pedal, that’s it. Very artistic style.

Dong Hei Mu
: Post-punk + psychedelic. In the second half of 2012 he moved to Shanghai. He’s already involved in the Shanghai local music scene. I think he will soon perform solo at the NOIShanghai “Give New Life to Death” show.

pbr: What does Xi’an have to offer the Chinese music scene? Why should bands from other cities in China or other countries come to Xi’an to perform?

XBH: I don’t think we can do much. Xi’an is not Beijing or Shanghai, there’s no comparison. Especially the audience numbers. And the general taste here is still much more mainstream. Even though the number of shows is increasing, there’s still not a lot of ticket sales. But no matter what, System Error will continue. We’re not afraid to play in front of a small or non-existent audience. Hopefully if we keep doing it, this kind of music will have a chance in Xi’an, and we can make more people hear it. I think foreign bands like to come here more than Chinese bands because of Xi’an’s culture. For mainland bands, at least, we can guarantee you amazing food and attractive spots to visit.

DZ: I think we can’t do anything. This question is tough. We have more and more shows here, and the audience is more and more picky, especially for this kind of weird music. We can’t change the major circumstances.

FF: I don’t see much we can do here. The main reason is we cant guarantee ticket sales for traveling bands.

pbr: What do you have planned for the future of System Error?

XBH: I hope I can be involved with the Zhang Guan Li Dai music festival again, keep the noise stage going. Maybe still focus on doing more shows. Over the first year, we did monthly shows more or less. Next year, we want to do at least twenty shows. More unique stuff, welcome new faces to join us. And we plan to visit Beijing next year, maybe other cities too, to see more musicians there.

DZ: I still want to focus on electronic music shows. Any direction is fine, doesn’t matter if it’s hardware or software, only if you are not that kind of huge complex vintage synth band, wall of synth cube, too hard to carry. Well-known foreign bands are harder, they can pretty much only go to Beijing and Shanghai. In Xi’an the ticket situation is a pain in the ass, and obviously we can’t afford to pay them ourselves. System Error can never be a profitable organization. At least now we are certainly not. So next year, we may want to go visit those other big cities, like Tie Ling [a small town in Liaoning province],haha.

FF: Do things we haven’t done before.

Thanks for our photographer Tingting, and all the people who contribute to and promote System Error, thanks to all the hard-working souls, thanks pangbianr!

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