Birdstriking, Chuiwan, and Fat City @ What Bar, 29 October 2010

By , 2010年 10月 13日

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10月29日(周五)在 老What,我们准备万圣节。。。

PRE-HALLOWEEN Jam on Friday, October 29 @ What Bar. Cover is 20元 (the door money goes directly to the bands). The first ten CREATIVE costumes get in FREE. “Creative” is a subjective term but last year I grew a mustache and went as Tom Selleck, that shit won’t fly you any further than a bird-stricken plane this year.


~ BIRDSTRIKING: far out Space Hakka feedback jams
~ CHUIWAN: skronky eye of the swirling noise hurricane
~ FAT CITY: driving “noise-discussion” from some masterminds of the BJ experimental scene

周乃仁(Birdstriking/Napoleon)设计一个海报。Welcome to the hurricane:

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