采访:Birdstriking乐队现场演出视频 (video interview)

By , 2010年 12月 2日

11月19日在D-22燥眠夜CD发行的第一天演出之后,pangbianr 和经常在D-22演出的Birdstriking(鸟撞飞机)乐队进行采访。以下的采访与现场演出视频(包括最近几个月的三场不同演出),乐队谈到了最近录DEMO的过程,以及作为年轻乐队的他们是如何对待学习生活和音乐创作, 还有何凡对加入Carsick Cars乐队的一些看法。

After the first night of the Zoomin’ Night CD Release on November 19, we sat down with D-22 regulars Birdstriking for an interview. This mini-documentary features live footage from three of their shows this past fall, along with an interview in which the band talks about the demo they’ve been recording, He Fan’s entry into the Carsick Cars lineup, and the obstacles Birdstriking face as a young band trying to balance their studies with their emerging rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle.

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