Hot & Cold – Building 2

By , 2010年 9月 6日

旁边儿的第一张实体唱片,我们非常荣幸的发行冷热(Hot & Cold)乐队最新唱片。

We’re very proud to release some new music by Hot & Cold.

唱片名为Building 2 这些作品都是由Josh和Simon创作完成的,录制于2010年8月5日。免费下载链接: mediafire下载

The album is called Building 2. Most of the songs were written/improvised and recorded over the course of a single day in a burst of freeform creative energy this past August. These tracks can be downloaded for free via mediafire.

<a href="">Uighur Pop by pangbianr radio</a>

还有两首现场录音,是于2010年6月15日在D-22的演出。这些歌(“Uighur Pop” 和 “Someone’s Following Me”)可以在这里免费试听, 也可以在pangbianr radio网站购买,每首需支付$1 美元。下载费用所得50%支付给冷热乐队,50%为pangbianr网络平台。

We’re also including 2 bonus tracks recorded live at D22 on 15 June, 2010. These two live tracks (“Uighur Pop” b/w “Someone’s Following Me”) represent Hot & Cold’s development during their most recent phase in Beijing this past summer. Studio recordings of both songs will be featured on an upcoming Hot & Cold release.

You can stream the bonus single here and purchase the songs for $1 each on pangbianr radio. All of the money from digital downloads is split 50/50 between Hot & Cold and pangbianr.

这张Building 2为限量100张,于9月5日在老What吧首发演出。如果你在北京的话,可以在现场购买。如果在其它地区的话,请Email联系我们,然后可以通过邮寄的方式购买。实体唱片只是在中国地区发行销售。

CDs are available while limited supplies last (<100 made). If you're in Beijing, we can set up a time to meet. If you're elsewhere in China, email us and we’ll work out a mail order.

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