INTLX #6: Dual Natures

By , 2013年 1月 29日

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pangbianr presents, co-organized with Subjam:

Four experimental music duos from Singapore, Hong Kong and Beijing.
Noise, electroacoustic, abstract video, improvisation, minimalism…

Date: Saturday, February 23
Time: 8:00pm
Venue: 2Kolegas (map)
Ticket: 60 RMB

Black Zenith (Singapore)
Meta Fog (Hong Kong)
Soviet Pop (Beijing)
Damage Blanket (Beijing)

artist introduction:

Black Zenith

Black Zenith is Darren Moore & Brian O’Reilly. The duo performs using analog modular synthesizers & moving images. They produce dense sonic textures that generate live visuals through the transformation of audio signals into images. Black Zenith draws as much influence from noise music & the electroacoustic music tradition as they do from the foundations of abstract video art.

Meta Fog

Meta Fog consists of Sascia Pellegrini (drums, percussion, electronics) and Eric Wong (guitar, electronics), who attempt to create music and art mashups by abusing, decomposing and rebuilding the audible elements. The duo makes use of live electronics, backtracks and heavy processing.

Italian contemporary musician Sascia Pellegrini is not only a music adventurer, but also a landscaper: he traverses and ventures the borders of different media and genres. He sculpts soundscapes from computer, loops, voice, percussion and/or any material on location. He is a classically trained percussionist, pianist and composer who has followed various international courses to deepen different aspects concerning composition and performing in classical contemporary music and live electronic interaction. He studied percussion, conducting and composition with S.Schick, S.Gualda, and P.Eotvos at Ircam in France; percussion and electronic music with P.Tini and A.Nicoli in the Puccini Conservatory, and drums with C.Mayer at Cpm in Italy. His works include realizing soundtracks for video artists, performing in many different festivals and venues in Italy, France, Germany, Japan, mainland China and Hong Kong, plus a variety of compositional works for different kinds of ensembles from jazz to chamber music. His main composing interest lies in the inter-media interaction between different art forms.

Eric Wong first picked up the guitar at the age of 19, and became interested in electronic music during his time in audio school a few years after graduating from college. Formed the duo Meta Fog with Italian drummer/percussionist/electronic programmer Sascia Pellegrini in early 2012. Wong also does solo work under the name Error: Wrong, approaching minimalism, glitch, and sound manipulation. Before forming Meta Fog, he was the live guitarist/electronics operator for the Hong Kong-based extreme pop band No One Remains Virgin. He was invited to participate in the cross-country compilation T(h)REE and the subsequent T(h)REE 1.5 along with other acts from Hong Kong, Macau, and Portugal. He also has collaborated with artists of different disciplines, including modern dance, new media, live painting, etc. He has also created commercial compositions for websites and short films.

more videos:
Meta Fog – “You On A Linen Dog”
Meta Fog – “Nonsense Metal Daffy Donald”
Meta Fog – “Contempt Is The Only Emotion”

Soviet Pop

An analogue synthsizer duo based in Beijing.

Damage Blanket

Beijing industrial electronic noise duo & mobile sound system

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噪音,电 – 声,抽象视频,即兴,极简主义,,,

日期: 2013年2月23日周六
时间: 晚上八点
场地: 两个好朋友酒吧 (网站)
门票: 60元

黑天顶 (新加坡)
Meta Fog (香港)
苏维埃波普 (北京)
Damage Blanket (北京)



由达伦·摩尔(Darren Moore)和和布莱恩·奥瑞利(Brian O’Reilly)组成的双人模拟合成器/影像团体。制造密集的声波纹理和视觉效果。继承着噪音音乐和电子原声音乐的传统以及抽象主义视觉艺术。

Meta Fog

Meta Fog是紮根香港的實驗樂隊,專事將各種音樂元素解構破壞,再重組整合,借屍還魂於電子現場音樂之中。

樂隊二分之一Sascia Pellegrini(鼓、敲擊樂、電子音樂)來自意大利,正統音樂學院習古典音樂出身的他一心打破樂器物料環境時代的界限,以「當代」之名脫韁騁馳於無國界的音樂國度。另外二分之一Eric Wong(結他、電子音樂)自十九歳起醉心結他,甫放下書包便與電子音樂結緣,曾為香港樂隊 No One Remains Virgin任現場結他手及電子音樂操作,多年與商業與藝術兩界合作無間。Meta Fog是二人各自與音樂衝擊戀愛後再經歷相互化學作用的結晶,於2012年脫胚成精,迄今已在香港多個演出場地亮相,不日上映但鐵定登場的舞台尚分佈於中國內地、新加坡、台灣及日本等。

Meta Fog – “You On A Linen Dog”
Meta Fog – “Nonsense Metal Daffy Donald”
Meta Fog – “Contempt Is The Only Emotion”



Damage Blanket


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