Trans-Pacific Improv & Noise Exchange

By , 2013年 1月 29日

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pangbianr presents, co-organized with Subjam:

A trans-Pacific meeting of radical multi-media innovators & improvisers.

*part of 2013 JUE Music+Art Festival*

Date: Saturday, March 23
Time: 8:00pm
Venue: 2Kolegas (map)
Ticket: 60 RMB

Bob Ostertag (sound art, custom electronics | San Francisco, USA)
Pierre Hébert (improv/live animation | Santa Barbara, USA)
+ public improv committee

artist introduction:

Bob Ostertag

Composer, performer, historian, instrument builder, journalist, activist, kayak instructor, Bob Ostertag’s work cannot easily be summarized or pigeon-holed. He has published 21 CDs of music, two movies, two DVDs, and three books. His writings on contemporary politics have been published on every continent and in many languages. Electronic instruments of his own design are at the cutting edge of both music and video performance technology. He has performed at music, film, and multi-media festivals around the globe. His radically diverse collaborators include the Kronos Quartet, avant garder John Zorn, heavy metal star Mike Patton, jazz great Anthony Braxton, dyke punk rocker Lynn Breedlove, drag diva Justin Bond, Quebecois film maker Pierre Hébert, and others. He is rumored to have connections to the shadowy media guerrilla group The Yes Men. In March 2006 Ostertag made all of his recordings to which he owns the rights available as free digital downloads under a Creative Commons license. He is currently Professor of Technocultural Studies and Music at the University of California at Davis.

Pierre Hébert

Pierre Hébert, born 1944 in Montreal. Self-taught, strongly influenced by animation filmmakers Norman McLaren and Len Lye, he directed his first films independently while he was still studying Anthropology at the University of Montreal. Right from his first film in 1962, Pierre Hébert has been experimenting with the animation technique of engraving images directly on 16mm or 35mm processed black film. In the ’80s, he developed a new type of performance involving “live” animation scratched directly on a film loop while it is rolling in a projector, usually associated with improvised music and occasionnally with dance. From 1983, he started to take part in live performances with musicians (Jean Derome, Robert M. Lepage and René Lussier, Fred Frith and Bob Ostertag) and choreographers (Ginette Laurin, Rosalind Newman, Louise Bédard and Jean-Marc Matos), and most of his films of that period evolved from those multidisciplinary practices.

Bob Ostertag + Pierre Hébert: Shadow Boxing

Shadow Boxing is a multi-media animation and sound art performance by Bob Ostertag and Pierre Hébert. The projected image centers on a small boxing ring, which is tuned and amplified. The “ropes” are actually guitar strings. In the ring, toy birds, frogs, squirrels, weasels, robots, and dinosaurs enact a tragicomedy about nature and technology. The backdrop is the front page of the newspaper of the town the concert is in, on the day of the concert. Bob Ostertag begins the performance reading this newspaper, and ends the performance setting it on fire. In between, he “plays” the sounds of the toy animals and robots with a standard gamepad, the sort commonly used for computer games. In a sense, the entire musical performance is a game. Pierre Hébert creates animation on the spot, using the images of the newspaper, the animals, and the boxing ring as a starting point. Whenever possible, he also shoots video prior to the concert of crowds of people in the city in which the concert is performed, and these images are mixed into the background, performing a role not unlike the chorus in Greek theater.

Pierre Hébert + Bob Ostertag

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日期: 2013年3月23日周六
时间: 晚上八点
场地: 两个好朋友酒吧 (网站)
门票: 60元

– Bob Ostertag (声音艺术,定制电子乐器 | 美国加利福尼亚州旧金山)
– Pierre Hébert (现场/即兴动画 | 美国加利福尼亚州圣巴巴拉)
+ 公共即兴委员会


Bob Ostertag

作曲家,表演者,历史学家,乐器工匠,记者,活动家 — 太多的头衔给人压力不小,事实上,这些头衔只是让Bob Ostertag的作品更难被概括而已。他已经先后发行了21张CD唱片,两个电影,两张DVD和三本书。他关于当代政治的文献在几大洲以多种语言出版。他穿梭于世界各地的音乐,电影,和多媒体艺术节。他的合作者包括 The Kronos Quartet,先锋吉他手 John Zorn,重金属星 Mike Patton,声名显赫的爵士乐手 Anthony Braxton,女同性恋的朋克 Lynn Breedlove,以及来自魁北克的制片人 Pierre Hébert等等。传闻说他跟媒体游击队 The Yes Men有关系。目前,他是正式工作是Technocultural在美国加州大学戴维斯分校教授音乐研究。

Pierre Hébert

早在1944年,受到实验动画电影人 Norman Mclaren 和Len Lye 的启发,实验制片人Pierre Hébert无师自通,独立制作了自己的第一部电影,当时他也是蒙特利尔大学的人类学系的学生。1962年,当他的第一部正式作品问世时,他已经开始尝试在16或35毫米的胶片上直接对图像进行雕刻。八十年代,他发明了一种新技法——即兴把图像雕刻在从投影机里滚滚而来的胶片上,实况播出。这种放映大都是跟实验音乐家和即兴舞蹈联系在一起。1983年后,他开始频繁地跟音乐家一起演出,其中包括 Jean Derome, Robert M. Lepage, Réne Lussier, Fred Frith与 Bob Ostertag。

Bob Ostertag + Pierre Hébert: 《太极拳》

Bob Ostertag + Pierre Hébert《太极拳》的演出方式:投影图像以一个小拳击环为中心,用它来作为协调和和扩音装置。“绳索”其实是吉他线。在环里,玩具鸟,青蛙,松鼠,黄鼠狼,机器人和恐龙共同演绎一个关于自然与科技的悲喜剧。背景就是当地演出场地所在地区报纸的头版。Bob Ostertag首先开始读报纸,读完之后就把它烧掉。在这中间,他会截取玩具动物和机器人的声音来演奏,听上去很像电脑游戏的声音。可以说所有的音乐演出都是一个游戏。Pierre Hébert 则用报纸的图像,玩具动物,和拳击擂台做成实况动画。

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