Miss Eden 迷失乐园 from Taiyuan

By , 2010年 8月 3日

Miss Eden, filmed by Taiyuan native Liang Kun. After 6 years as a band, they released their first EP this summer.

From the album cover: “六年对于一个人来说,可以是一段感情,可以是一段学业,可以是浑浑噩噩,可以是不知所措。但是六年对于一个封闭的中部城市的那几个怀揣摇滚梦想的小子来说,六年就像青春期那一个性感的梦,对他们来说,这个梦既诱惑,又陌生。他们努力地想抓住,但还是不可避免地醒来。 如果你要问这张EP是什么?那不过是他们留着口水说的梦话罢了。”

“Six years for a man: it can be a relationship, it can be an education, can be chaotic, can be overwhelming. But six years in this closed central northern city, three adolescent guys carry the dream of making rock music. For them, this dream is not only the temptation to a stranger. They try their best to carry on but still inevitably wake up. If you want to know what is this EP? It’s just their gibberish, sleep talking.”

The sound on this video cuts out but they have some good moves, and I love dude’s “CAN’T FUCK WITH IT” (?) shirt:

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